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32 : The Time Crystal

Larna finds herself as a hooker on the streets on 2035 New York. She is suddenly snatched from behind and dragged further into the alley. The man rips at her clothes. Larna is helpless. The Guardian, the man who caused her to be in this position in the first place, then appears and stops the man.

He claims that he needs her help. After Larna was tried in his court, he claims that he went on to put Shadow through a similar trial. Shadow, Larna’s archnemesis from several of the adventures that she had had through time. If she was the good girl of these adventures back through time, then Shadow was the ultimate evil babe. Before he had the chance to finish the trial, Shadow used her Black Magic powers to escape. She also tried to steal the Time Crystal. The Crystal was the ultimate source of his power and allowed him to remould the Time Continuum into anything that he wanted. Whoever possessed the Time Crystal could control time. He or she would be a God. Unfortunately, her attempts caused the crystal to shatter and splinter. The fragments of the crystal were scattered all through different time periods. Shadow was desperate to get it, so she went back in search of the pieces.

The Guardian restores Larna’s old memories by using his wristband computer. Teaming up with the Guardian, Larna goes back after Shadow, wanting to stop her from getting the piece, while restoring the crystal to the rightful owner. The first place that they go to is the nuclear explosion in the year 2000. The Guardian states that this explosion is the pivotal point in the whole time line. If it does not happen then none of the future events take place. Larna was the individual responsible for the explosion in the first place, in a cruel twist of fate, creating the future that she came from.

Six more places that the crystal is sent too:

  1. The Legend of King Arthur. Larna and Shadow get in the middle of the legend with devastating results for the Guardian.
  2. Dunluce Castle in Northern Ireland in 1639 that destroys part of it. Shadow joins forces with the mythical figures of Banshee’s to attack and torment the owners of the Castle where the crystal splinter is to be found.
  3. The ancient Pyramids and the Great Pharaohs. The crystal is part of the sceptre that is to be buried by with the Pharaoh in his tomb. Shadow violates the tomb and creates the mysterious curse placed on to it, that the next person to enter will face unending hardship.
  4. The Roman Colosseum. Larna finds herself being captured by Roman soliders. She fights them off and draws attention to her ability. The Romans take her in chains to the Gladiator school. She is trained along with the other Gladiatrix until the time when she is thrust into the Roman Colosseum. Shadow takes on the part of a Roman lady in a position of power. Part of the crystal is somewhere in the Colosseum.
  5. Stonehenge built by a cult worshipping a strange mythical dark God. The ‘henge is supposed to be a chapel and a place where they can go and worship the God. Shadow is the God. Larna realises that the crystal splinter is part of the worship procedure.
  6. Larna must now get control of the crystal before Shadow transports on to the next place, otherwise she will lose the battle forever and be stranded on the island of Atlantis days before the island sinks under the water. They both know where the final splinter of the crystal can be found. In the temple of the God Poseidon. Larna must sweet talk her way through the people of this city to get the splinter. Shadow gets it first and completes the crystal.

A strange transformation in Shadow occurs. Shadow is transformed into a Guardian. A female version of the controller of the Time Continuum. She becomes the God that she always wanted to be. Shadow wipes out any trace of Larna in existence with a simple thought. A beam of light comes from the crystal, envelopes Larna and shrinks inwards until she has gone completely. Shadow then watches on as Atlantis sinks below the sea, a side-effect of the crystal splinter being removed from the God’s temple.

Shadow is immortalised. She will live forever and have complete control over the one thing that mortal man cannot control. The one thing that can truly be evil at times … Time.

158 pages