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20 : Return of the Hunter

Hunter and Alicia – rescued by five of the escaping Zarrs from the previous adventure – are back, and ready to continue their hunt of the Fox.

Hunter’s hatred for the woman who let his sister die has not died down. Thanks to his gang of Zarrs, he was helped out of the exploding warehouse in Belfast. Now – with the help of those men – he wants to pay Larna back for all the pain that his is still suffering – and the fact that she is still alive will drive his hatred on.

Larna – knowing about the five convicts, but not about the reappearance of Hunter – is tracking them through Belfast. When she finds them – and discovers Hunter with them – Larna fails to get away. The six men trap her in their hideout. Fortunately an eyewitness who saw a woman being forcibly kidnapped had called the Belfast police. Hunter and his men were locked up. Larna was taken to hospital. Hunter’s gang to not stay locked up. Using the Portal they transport over to the hospital. The hunt begins again. Larna, using her Thala escaped to a different year. But Hunter – being the brains of the operations – links the Portal destination selector to Larna’s Thala – giving them the ability to transport after her instantly.

One of the convicts has come up with a master plan of stealing millions of pounds worth of money from financial institutions all around the world. He is a computer genius who can break into any system as long as he has a foot in the door. Like an account in the bank that they are raiding. So Hunter sends out the other four Zarrs who saved his life to the Four Corners of the earth to open bank accounts so they could steal the money. Larna must go and stop them from opening the accounts and changing history by stealing all of this money. The men think that they had stopped Larna with shooting her and making her fall of the Lagan Bridge in Belfast. They go to the year 1999 so that they can continue with their plan.

List of places that the Zarrs go to open up bank accounts or that are visited during the story:

  1. New Arizona: March 3, 2501 (Start of the story)
  2. Belfast: January 27, 1995 (End of the previous story).
  3. Belfast: July 8, 1999 (Larna follows the gang and discovers plot).
  4. Tokyo, Japan (Stops first convict from opening bank account).
  5. Johannesburg, South Africa (2nd convict)
  6. New York, USA (3rd convict).
  7. Munich, Germany (4th convict).

After tracking down the gang to their hideout in Belfast again, Larna is brutally tortured by Hunter and Alicia. She is rescued by the computer genius, who cannot stand to see how his boss is treating Larna. Hunter kills him for his interference and then escapes through time to Cornwall, England in late December 1999. Alicia does not go. She is arrested by the police and sentenced to life imprisonment. While in prison she has her baby girl, which is Hunter’s mother.

The story ends with Hunter and Larna flying off the edge of a cliff while they are fighting in a speeding truck. The date when this happens is December 31. The time when it happens is exactly midnight – on the exact moment the year changes to 2000.

169 pages