Story Information

These adventures are set in a different reality to the one we know.

In this reality, future history states that America launched a nuclear missile against a target in Russia, which was now part of the European Union, at 1200 hours on July 4, 2000. The Russian authorities did not believe that this was a mistake, which could not be cancelled, as the Americans had said. As far as they were concerned the missile came from an American airforce base and was therefore American. They retaliated immediately.

The surface of the planet was changed forever in a matter of minutes. Cities were laid to dust in a few seconds by radiation fires. The ozone layer was completely destroyed. Because there was now a thick layer of fallout from the nuclear bombs, the sun was blocked out. The planet started to freeze. Returning the planet to an ice age.

The human race did survive, thanks to underground bunkers and caves. But, they were changed. Because of the cold, the metabolic rate of humans has slowed down. They now age only one year every eighty-four orbital months instead of the twelve months it is at present. This new 7-year ageing period is called Erayears. Humans are fitter and stronger, but do not have larger builds, again given the cold conditions.

Larna standing on a rooftopLarna Fox is one of these humans left.

She is a Fox by name and a Fox by nature and has needed her cunning and slyness to keep her alive for over half of her twenty-one Erayear life.

When one fatal assassination project went wrong she was caught, arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in a futuristic prison hell.

But, before being transported to the prison however, she was hired by the leaders of her home Living Quarters, New Arizona. It had been discovered that she had saved the lives of the leaders parents in the past. It was also discovered that she was partly responsible for the nuclear holocaust.

Treated more as a slave than as an employee, she now finds herself helping the force she used to run away from. Doing the jobs too sensitive for them to handle. Including many adventures back in time.

It is down to her to ensure that the Time Continuum is not altered, by the criminal element, in anyway. So that this is possible, she exists out of time, surrounded by a PPF (Paradox Protection Field) which enables her to witness any changes without being changed herself at the same time.

The Theory of Paradox Realities states that for every decision or event there are an infinite number of other realities that exist. When Larna was chosen it created a chain of events which led to a reality, containing a nuclear explosion in the year 2000. It became like a circle. She partly caused the explosion, so had to somehow go back in time from the future. If she had not been chosen to time travel another reality would have existed for them. History, for them, would have taken a different course, perhaps the future we are going to live.

And so, Larna finds herself facing a series of adventures, some in the past, some in the future, some in different reality dimensions, but all calling upon her skills as a survivor.

Download an information pack about all of the adventures available in the series, along with character profiles and additional background information