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17 : The Enforcer

Red Justice is a woman with a mission. Our story starts with the creation of a new force, whose sole aim to do battle against evil through- out time. The Enforcer. Red’s mother was slaughtered in one of the night clubs on the Mars Colony in the year 2691. The people responsible for her death were Larna Fox and the Warrior Jet, when they were chasing after Shadow. Red was just turning thirteen at this point in time. Story switches to her when she is turning twenty-one. Her new parents cannot control the thoughts of revenge eating away at Red’s insides. Red transports back to the planet Earth, to the humanoid complex, which had been destroyed by the Night Ghosts. She arrives on Day 10, in the year 2896, having travelled forward in time thanks to the Mars Colony transportation platform. She finds Holena and all the files containing information on every person in time. She steals this information, then using Holena’s ability to transport something through time, goes back in time to start running through her own hit list of people who she sees as needing punishing.

The name on the top of that list is Larna. Red goes back to the year 820, the year when Larna was finishing off Phoenix once and for all, to kill Larna, because of all the killing that she has done in her life, including that of Red’s own mother. Now Red is chasing after her. Larna has to decide whether to kill Red, or try to persuade her that she was just doing her job. Holena stops her though. Larna has to stay alive; otherwise the Mars Colony is not established. Something Larna does in her personal future results in the colony being created.

Red decides to carry on with her plan, running down the hit list of criminals that she wants to exterminate. Larna has to go back after to stop her from killing these people, because they have an impact on the future events of the planet. Especially one, a rapist, who saves the lives of over two thousand people by guiding them into the underground sewer system when the first nuclear explosions could be seen. Larna is forced to choose between Red…a good person who is doing everything within her power to get rid of evil people through time, just like her or the people she is going after.

Criminals that Red goes after include:

July 26, 1995 – New York: Red arrives in the Big Apple to get the first three names on her hit list. The first is a rapist who climbs in through the bedroom windows of his victims, then attacks them in their own bedrooms. Red tries to kill him before he attacks the first woman, but Larna has to stop her because he has a serious impact on the future. Larna makes sure that the rapist is safe, before going after Red again. Red targets a thief next, who steals from rich houses. Then final target in New York is a drunken husband who beats up his wife and assaults his children. This target gives Larna trouble with flashbacks of her own foster father’s attack on her.

May 7, 1998 – Detroit: In Detroit Red targets a policeman who murders his suspect instead of arresting him, because of the revenge burning through his body due to the fact that this guy had killed his partner. She also goes after a woman who kidnaps a young boy because she lost her own child. Larna points out what Red had turned into at this point. When the Thala tells her of a change in the timeline, she explains to Red that that is what she should be going after. They join up to go and change the timeline back.

August 13, 1996 – Los Angeles: Twenty beauty contestants mysteriously disappear while flying to the competition. No one on the plane can remember anything of what happened. The police are stumped. There have been no ransom demands, and no contact from the kidnappers. The women have vanished. Red arrives to kill someone who was going to steal a car, but Larna talks her into helping her find the missing beauty contestants, as that was never supposed to happen. Turns out that, two-dimensional travelling collectors have taken them captive. Pypa and Drum and the King and Queen in another dimension…they travel to alternative Earth’s so that they can increase their collection of beautiful people from other worlds. Red is taken in by the spell of the flute. Larna manages to avoid being brainwashed thanks to her limited telepathic ability. Pypa kills Red right in front of the captured Larna, before Pypa, Drum and the beauty contestants all disappear, leaving Larna with vengeance filling her soul.

187 pages