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10 : Sisterly Love

Larna steps out of the Time Portal door to a sight that is strange to her. She finds herself in Brisbourney, walking out of a Time Portal being built be a very clever, and bitter young woman. The woman explains who she is. Her name is Lauren Delaney. Larna immediately recognises the name. Shadow told her that she had a half sister, her father’s mistake with another woman, in Adventure Three. This was her half sister. Lauren flips when she hears Larna’s name. She runs through her the Portal she had been building, swearing that Larna’s grandmother, on her mother’s side, will die. Instead of transporting as herself in time, she was transported into someone in history, and appeared as that person. Larna decides to go through the Portal as well. After making several adjustments Larna steps through, following Lauren closely.

Lauren has traced Larna’s grandmother, a woman by the name of Vienna Rose to four different locations in four different years. She plans to make sure that she is eliminated in at least one of the four locations.

The four locations, dates and places are as follows:

October 20, 1995 – Hamburg, Germany: Vienna is working in a club as a dancer. She was hired at first as a waitress, but Vienna, wanting to be an actress, like most young 20 year old girls, has worked her way up to doing seedy dances in the back club. At the present moment it time she is dating the owner of the club. The owner wants to take things a little further with her. Further as in hiring her out on dates with guys, paying serious money. Vienna agrees. One man tricks her. Lauren is this guy’s wife giving the instructions in the background. Larna arrives too late for the club scene. She must try and enlist the help of a leader investigative reporter to help her find Vienna, and stop Lauren.

April 3, 1996 – Perth, Australia: Vienna in a way has got her wish. Larna had arranged for her to get a record artist to listen to her sing. She’s hired. Vienna is currently on tour in Australia, selling her latest single by going on various chat shows and teenage problems of various sorts. There’s a problem. Vienna’s bodyguard was killed while protecting her from a crazed fan. She needs a new bodyguard. Two people go for the job. Lauren, in the body of a big bouncer type. And, Larna. Who has to go as herself. They’re both hired. Larna needs to try to keep Vienna away from her other bodyguard, without making it look too suspicious. To complicate things, Vienna has got a thing for the bodyguard Lauren is inhabiting.

May 15, 1997 – Los Angeles: Vienna has finally got her wish. She’s an actress. However her hopes for the film are little too big. It turns out to be a pornographic movie, with her being the lead star. The director had seen her dancing in the Hamburg strip club. The man interested in Vienna in Germany is back. He was released from prison due to insufficient evidence. He wants to get back to his relationship with Vienna. He starts sending her letters, flowers. He starts stalking her, following her wherever she goes. Vienna’s agent hires a private detective to deal with the situation. Larna intercepts the PI and takes his place, after paying him a substantial amount of money to cover lost earnings as he called it. Larna does not know who Lauren is. Lauren turns out to Vienna’s best friend, who advises her, wrongly as it turns out, to go and see this nice young man who has been sending her flowers.

June 17, 1998 – Vancouver, Canada: Vienna has moved to Canada, trying to create a whole new life for herself. Her boyfriend turns out to be her future husband, and father to Larna’s mother. Lauren changes the past and there is nothing that Larna can do about it. She kills the boyfriend, while kidnapping Vienna. The pair of them were out on a date, when Lauren and her rapist partner, kidnapped Vienna. The rapist is trying to create his own collection of women in the basement of his house. He has three, but wants more. All three women are locked in the basement, suffering all the tortures that the rapist wants to deal out to them. He wants a woman that cannot say no. Larna realises that the only way to get Vienna out of this is to go to the police. She starts helping a police detective to find the rapist. Even going to the final lengths of acting as bait, trying to lure the rapist out.

162 pages