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02 : The Violator

Larna is working on a case, undercover, trying to get into a gang when she sees a cop entering a building. There is a shout and then a piercing scream. Larna decided to go and check it out. The warehouse is full of women standing around like zombies. It appears that they have all been transported through time by the use of a collar, which is locked around their necks. This collar has got spikes on the inside and these spikes go into the neck. Once they enter the skin the wearer of the collar becomes a slave. They cannot move a muscle, or speak without being prompted by the controller.

One woman has built the collar, designed in the year 2795. The Violator. She went through time herself, got a copy of the plans and built a collar to her own design specifications. Jade is a vicious mind raper. She thinks people’s minds are her playground. When she takes someone prisoner, she locks the Collar of Control (C.O.C.) around their necks, giving her more time to empty the slaves mind of all their memories. She can make her slaves do anything – feel anything – by invading their thoughts and recreating their worst horrors.

The women in the warehouse had been kidnapped from 10 different places and times. The cops arrive soon after Larna killed Jade in the warehouse. Jade apparently knew who she was for some strange reason. She said that she was the one that had been stopping her from acquiring her prizes. The officer leading the investigation, Ski Powers, asks Larna to come to the SAT Laboratory with her. Larna agrees reluctantly. They find that the assistant to Professor Steinbeck (The Professor from Rogue who attached the Thala to Larna’s arm) has been secretly controlled by Jade and she had seen the plans for a time travelling device. Jade incorporated this function into her collar. So although it was a collar designed in the future, Jade’s collar had the extra function of time travel. Larna decides that there is only one thing she can do. Go through time after Jade and stop the prize taking before they take place.

The women are kidnapped from the following places and years.

  1. Pittsburgh, America – 1989 – American
  2. Washington, America – 1989 – American
  3. Larne, Northern Ireland – 1990 – Irish
  4. Canadian Forest – 1990 – Canadian
  5. Nottingham, England – 1991 – English
  6. Boat in Pacific Ocean – 1991 – French
  7. Brazil – 1992 – Swedish
  8. Adelaide, Australia – 1992 – Australian
  9. Trans Siberian Railway, Russia – 1994 – Russian
  10. Tuscany, Italy – 1993 – Italian

Larna thinks she has killed Jade in Italy, but when she arrived back in New Arizona, everything has changed. The protective forcefield had never been designed and the nuclear explosion never happened. The world is full of violence and the sun is completely blocked by the smog over the cities. Diseases are going crazy. After being rescued from Jade, who turns out to be a Dimensional Traveller called Lillith, Larna is told by a female Doctor Steinbeck that the history started to change in 1994 when the New York mayor and her assistant were kidnapped and killed. Parts of their bodies were found in plastic bags all over the city. Their heads were posted to the town hall in large boxes. Larna goes back to New York 1994 and fights with Lillith/Jade again.

282 pages